Breakfast Leftovers

My recent FreshDirect order didn't include many of the ingredients I had ordered so I decided to get creative with what I had. Thanks to the 4th of July holiday, Wednesday morning felt like a Saturday. I slept in, drank my cold brew and decided to whip up a sweet potato, red pepper and sausage hash. Topped this with some fried eggs and leftover Dubliner Cheese slices from the prior weekend.

Despite the best efforts of my husband and I, we had some leftover hash that got shoved in to our overstuffed fridge. Today, I couldn't take the piles of tupperware and plastic containers any more! So it was a morning to EAT THE FRIDGE. I tossed in the leftover sweet potatoes from Wednesday and the leftover grilled zucchini and squash from Thursday night along with the six remaining eggs that were reaching the end of their shelf life. Had a few tablespoons of Parmesan that was also nearing the dreaded end. Tossed all that in a skilled, threw in to my 350 degree oven and turned to my leftover potatoes. I made some potato salad on Wednesday (it was the 4th after all!) and had some leftover boiled potatoes. I threw them in to my skillet for some homefries while the frittata baked. 

Thankfully the fridge now has more room and I proved to myself that random vegetables, mixed with eggs and baked, will also hit the spot. I am always happy when I don't throw out unused food and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with the hubs. 

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