World's Greatest Lasagna Recipe

World's Greatest Lasagna Recipe

When the weather first took a turn here in NYC, I was craving something that took awhile to make with the slow satisfaction of the smell starting to permeate my cozy little apartment throughout the afternoon. I wasn't really in to the idea of a slow cooked pork shoulder. I couldn't find the right chicken for roasting (all juiced up with water and hormones at the local C-Town), so I felt rather at a loss. While walking around the grocery store for inspiration, I heard someone mention a lasagna. It was like the moment in a movie with a lightbulb and a simple, "That's Brilliant!" 

So I changed course and quickly hopped over to Google and began to peruse some recipes. I came across the "World's Greatest Lasagna" and rolled my eyes. We have all fallen down the rabbit hole of "World's Greatest" something or other, but then I saw the reviews (25,000 people admitted to making it) and decided to plow through and see what the hype was about. I modified the original slightly by swapping ground beef for turkey, added in a tbls. or two of dried oregano to the sauce and used no-cook noodles (DON't JUDGE ME). Overall, this recipe was a winner. It was amazing! The sauce was so delicious that it might be my new go-to sauce for pasta. If you are looking for a new lasagna recipe, or even to to make your first, try this. Your tastebuds won't regret it.


Breakfast Leftovers

Street Art - Santa Fe

Street Art - Santa Fe